KJV Translations: many, multiply, increase, more, manifold, thousand, shoot Strong's Hebrew #: h.7231, h.7232, ( fem., / re-va-vah ) Translation: MYRIAD Definition: A great abundance in numbers. Evidence of design in the original Hebrew text of the Bible. Alternate Spellings: KJV Translations: itch, sun, earthen, potsherd, sherd, stone, earth, east Strong's Hebrew #: h.2775, h.2777, h.2789, ( common, / ah.r.ts ) Translation: TERRIFY (V) KJV Translations: afraid, fear, dread, terribly, break, affright, oppress, prevail, terrified Strong's Hebrew #: h.6206, ( fem., ) Translation: TERROR KJV Translations: terror Strong's Hebrew #: h.4637, ( masc., ) Translation: TERRIBLE KJV Translations: terrible, oppressor, mighty, power, strong, violent Strong's Hebrew #: h.6184, ( masc., ) Translation: CHASM Definition: [To be verified] A fearful place. ( masc., / ram ) Translation: RAISED Definition: Lifted up in position or in exaltation. 07: Watermark of God in the Psalms of Ascent. KJV Translations: spirit, wind, breath, side, mind, blast, vain, air, anger, cool, courage, space, enlargement Strong's Hebrew #: h.7305, h.7307, ( fem., / re-wa-hhah ) Translation: RESPITE Definition: A relief from labor, punishment or trouble. KJV Translations: haughtily Strong's Hebrew #: h.7317, ( masc., ) Translation: HEIGHTS Definition: A place of considerable or great elevation. KJV Translations: out, empty, draw, arm, pour Strong's Hebrew #: h.7324, ( masc., ) Translation: SPIT Definition: [To be verified] As drawn out of the mouth. The Ancient picture for this letter is , a picture of the two front teeth. KJV Translations: beryle Strong's Hebrew #: h.8658. KJV Translations: watering Strong's Hebrew #: h.7377. KJV Translations: root, bottom, deep, heel Strong's Hebrew #: h.8328 Strong's Aramaic #: a.8330, ( fem., ) Translation: UPROOT Definition: [To be verified] In the sense of being taken out. The path or manner of life. KJV Translations: companion, fellows Strong's Hebrew #: h.7464, ( fem., / re-ut ) Translation: FRIEND Definition: A female companion as one who is close. ( masc., ) Translation: WATERING Relationship to Root: A flowing of water. KJV Translations: weave, weaver Strong's Hebrew #: h.0707, ( masc., ) Translation: BEAM Definition: [To be verified] A weavers beam. The system of Hebrew numerals is a quasi-decimal alphabetic numeral system using the letters of the Hebrew alphabet . KJV Translations: betroth, espouse Strong's Hebrew #: h.0781, ( fem., ) Translation: REQUEST KJV Translations: request Strong's Hebrew #: h.0782, ( masc., / rosh ) Translation: HEAD Definition: The top of the body. KJV Translations: locust, grasshopper Strong's Hebrew #: h.0697. KJV Translations: bore Strong's Hebrew #: h.7527, ( masc., / mar-tsey-a ) Translation: AWL Definition: A sharp pointed tool for piercing holes in leather or the skin. Scripture describes the seven species with which the land of Israel was blessed: wheat, barley, grapes, figs, pomegranates, olives and dates.4 Depictions of some or all of these are used often in synagogue decor and other Jewish places, and can be found in ancient archaeological ruins and on Jewish coins going back to the Bar Kochva period. Option + 05B4. KJV Translations: square, foursquare, lay down, gender Strong's Hebrew #: h.7250, h.7251, ( masc., / re-va ) Translation: QUARTER Definition: One portion from the whole that has been divided into four equal parts. Combined these mean "head of the family". Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of the head of a man, the is a picture of an open mouth. Relationship to Root: Unknown connection to root KJV Translations: net Strong's Hebrew #: h.7568, ( masc., ) Translation: PERMISSION KJV Translations: grant Strong's Hebrew #: h.7558, ( masc., / tar-shish ) Translation: TOPAZ Definition: Possibly the Topaz, which may be yellow, gray, white, pink, green or blue in color. ( ) Definition: A trembling as a turning of the insides. KJV Translations: tender, faint, mollified, soft Strong's Hebrew #: h.7401. Relationship to Root: The winds which follows a prescribed path each season. To go about as a merchant trading goods. Relationship to Parent: spread out, ( common, / r.b.ah ) Translation: BE.SQUARE (V) Definition: Any four sided object. From this word comes the idea of breath as it is the wind of man which also follows a prescribed path of inhaling and exhaling. Yod is a symbol of the Holy One, the Creator, since the holy name starts with Yod. KJV Translations: curtain Strong's Hebrew #: h.3407, ( ) Definition: A green and fresh plant as flourishing with fruit or with sustenance. Aleph/Alef is an Ox head, representing Strength, Power, Control, Lead, Teach, Learn, Master, Elohim 2. Ani lo mitgaresh (Ah-nee Low Meet-gah-resh): I'm not asking 39. KJV Translations: love Strong's Hebrew #: h.7474, ( masc., / mir-eh ) Translation: FEEDING.PLACE Definition: A place of feeding or grazing. Alt + 1461. The source or origin of a thing. ( ) Definition: A throwing of something high. Dalet(dleth, also spelled Dalethor Daled) is the fourth letterof the Semitic abjads, including PhoenicianDlet , HebrewDlet , AramaicDlath , SyriacDla , and ArabicDl(in abjadi order; 8th in modern order). Possible solutions to this problem: Adding the word for "thousands". Small in form, the meaning of the Yod is great. Relationship to Root: A lifting up through a prolific amount of offspring. KJV Translations: thunder, roar, trouble, fret Strong's Hebrew #: h.7481, ( masc., ) Translation: THUNDER KJV Translations: thunder Strong's Hebrew #: h.7482, ( fem., ) Translation: MANE.OF.A.HORSE Definition: > KJV Translations: thunder Strong's Hebrew #: h.7483, ( ) Definition: As the shaking of the earth. ( ) Definition: Ones will and desires are written on potsherds as messages to another. As it turns out, it is what it sounds like: Hei represents the expressions "Hey" or "Behold." The form of the letter has been compared to a person standing up with outstretched arms, as though trying to signal something very important. KJV Translations: hunger, hungry, famish Strong's Hebrew #: h.7456, ( masc., / ra-eyv ) Translation: HUNGER Definition: A craving or urgent need for food. Text of Online Digest 90-2-20121219 Kabbalah ( common, / sh.r.ts ) Translation: SWARM (V) Definition: To move, as a large mass of creatures. ( ) Definition: Something dysfunctional, wrong, evil or wicked. KJV Translations: slow, longsuffering, patient Strong's Hebrew #: h.0750, ( fem., ) Translation: LENGTHENING KJV Translations: lengthening Aramaic Spelling: Strong's Aramaic #: a.0754, ( masc., ) Translation: LONG KJV Translations: long, longer Strong's Hebrew #: h.0752, ( fem., ) Translation: REPAIR Definition: [To be verified] A reconstruction or healing that causes longer life. Relationship to Root: An abundance of number, strength or authority. Combined these mean "man open". KJV Translations: tremble, move, rage, shake, disquiet, trouble, quake, afraid Strong's Hebrew #: h.7264 Strong's Aramaic #: a.7265, ( masc., ) Translation: SHAKING Definition: A shaking anger. ( ) Definition: An abundance of number, strength or authority. ( ) Definition: Something broken into pieces. KJV Translations: chain Strong's Hebrew #: h.7572, ( masc., ) Translation: CHAIN Definition: [To be verified] For binding. ( ) Definition: A shout of joy, desperation or desire. (see Exodus 18:25). KJV Translations: large, broad, proud, wide, liberty, breadth Strong's Hebrew #: h.7338, h.7342, ( fem., / re-hhov ) Translation: STREET Definition: A thoroughfare, especially in a city, town or village. Strong's Aramaic #: a.0735. ( masc., / re-hheh ) Translation: MILLSTONE Definition: A large circular stone that is revolved on top of another stone to grind grain into flour. The Modern Hebrew name for this letter is resh, a Hebrew word meaning "head." KJV Translations: wash, bathe, trust Strong's Hebrew #: h.7364 Strong's Aramaic #: a.7365, ( masc., ) Translation: BATH KJV Translations: washpot Strong's Hebrew #: h.7366, ( fem., ) Translation: BATHING KJV Translations: washing Strong's Hebrew #: h.7367, ( ) Relationship to Parent: traveling, ( common, / r.k.b ) Translation: RIDE (V) Definition: To sit and travel in any conveyance; to sit astride an animal, wagon or chariot. ( ) Definition: A feeling from bad circumstances. KJV Translations: tread, trodden Strong's Hebrew #: h.4823, ( ) Definition: A stamping with the feet through water causing the water to become muddied. KJV Translations: bottom Strong's Hebrew #: h.7507. Hebrew Point Hiriq. KJV Translations: coal Strong's Hebrew #: h.7529, ( fem., ) Translation: PAVEMENT Definition: [To be verified] A road of stones. KJV Translations: juniper Strong's Hebrew #: h.7574, ( ) Definition: A binding of something with a chain. KJV Translations: trembling Strong's Hebrew #: h.7461, ( ) Definition: The quivering of a scarf in the breeze. Also, the drops of dew as pieces of water. Alternate Translations: look; watch; appear (when written in the niphil [passive] form); show (when written in the hiphil [causative] form) KJV Translations: see, look, behold, shew, appear, consider, seer, spy, respect, perceive, provide, regard, enjoy, lo, foresee, heed Strong's Hebrew #: h.7200, h.7202, h.7207, h.7212, ( masc., / mar-e ) Translation: APPEARANCE Definition: What is seen or is in sight. However, in ancient Hebrew, as in Chinese and ancient Egyptian, the characters are pictures . KJV Translations: traffick Strong's Hebrew #: h.4536, ( fem., / ra-hheyl ) Translation: EWE Definition: A female sheep. KJV Translations: running Strong's Hebrew #: h.4794, ( ) Definition: The process of drying clay bricks or pots in the sun. These letters are the metaphorical wood, stone and nails, cornerposts and crossbeams of our earthly and spiritual existence. Combined these mean "man through the door". KJV Translations: health, perfected, made Strong's Hebrew #: h.0724, ( masc., / o-rekh ) Translation: LENGTH Definition: A measured distance or dimension. ( common, / r.w.m ) Translation: RAISE.UP (V) Definition: To lift something up. KJV Translations: many, great, much, captain, more, long, enough, multitude, mighty, greater, greatly, archer Strong's Hebrew #: h.7227, h.7228 Strong's Aramaic #: a.7229, ( fem., ) Translation: GREAT.NUMBER KJV Translations: increase, greatest, multitude Strong's Hebrew #: h.4768, ( fem., ) Translation: MUCH Definition: [To be verified] As an increase. This will need special handling for 1,000 and 2,000 because of grammatical considerations. A complaining in low tones, usually in private. The ancient Hebrew alphabet has 22 letters (from Alef to Tav). KJV Translations: favour, will, acceptable, delight, pleasure, accepted, desire, acceptance, selfwill Strong's Hebrew #: h.7522. Continuously. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of the head of a man, the is a picture of a door that allows entrance into the tent. Combined these mean "man of feet". The head of a person, place, thing or time. ( ) Definition: An abundance of number, strength or authority. KJV Translations: beginnings Strong's Hebrew #: h.7222, ( fem., / me-ra-a-shah ) Translation: HEADREST Definition: A support for the head. KJV Translations: fourth Strong's Hebrew #: h.7256, ( masc., ) Translation: FOURTH.PART Definition: As fourth in the order. KJV Translations: shout, noise, alarm, cry, triumph, smart Strong's Hebrew #: h.7321, ( masc., / rey-a ) Translation: LOUD.NOISE Definition: A loud, confused, constant noise or sound KJV Translations: shout, noise, aloud Strong's Hebrew #: h.7452, ( fem., ) Translation: SHOUT Definition: A great shout of alarm of war or for rejoicing. DESCRIPTION. KJV Translations: temper Strong's Hebrew #: h.7450, ( masc., ) Translation: PIECE Definition: [To be verified] Something broken into pieces. Discover the secret behind the Hebrew letter Resh. It is the symbol of choosing between greatness and degradation. KJV Translations: ewe, sheep Strong's Hebrew #: h.7353, ( common, / r.hh.ts ) Translation: BATHE (V) Definition: To cleanse by being immersed in, or washing with, water. KJV Translations: accept, please, pleasure, delight, enjoy, favourable, acceptable, accomplish, affection, approve Strong's Hebrew #: h.7521, ( masc., / ra-tson ) Translation: SELF.WILL Definition: Used to express determination, insistence, persistence, or willfulness. KJV Translations: offering, oblation, sacrifice Strong's Hebrew #: h.7133, ( ) Definition: Spread out as a bed covering. This was celebrated twice a year, at the beginning of Tishrei and the beginning of Nisan, and lasted for 12 days. Edenics: rug - as woven and trampled on; harangue; wrong KJV Translations: slay, kill, murderer, destroy, murder, slayer Strong's Hebrew #: h.2026, ( masc., ) Translation: SLAUGHTER KJV Translations: slaughter, slain Strong's Hebrew #: h.2027, ( fem., ) Translation: SLAUGHTER KJV Translations: slaughter Strong's Hebrew #: h.2028, ( ) Definition: A quiet whisper to be unheard or in slander. Its origin as a geometrical symbol in Kabbalah is veiled in mystery. ( ) Definition: Messengers ran messages written on potsherds. The color of grasses and herbs as thin. The letter Yod is the most common letter in the Hebrew Torah. ( common, / a.r.k ) Translation: PROLONG (V) Definition: To lengthen or delay. Resh-aleph could be used for the name Ra. Resh (also spelled reish) is the twentieth letter of the Hebrew alphabet Numerical value: 200 Sound: "R" Meaning: 1. Declaring the End from the Beginning ( Reshyt) and from ancient times things that are not yet done; saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure: Isaiah 46:10, 40:21 . KJV Translations: evil, wickedness, wicked, mischief, hurt, bad, trouble, sore, affliction, ill, adversity, favoured, harm, naught, noisesome, grievous, sad Strong's Hebrew #: h.7451, h.7455. As a talebearer. KJV Translations: first Strong's Hebrew #: h.7224.