Since 2017 the Keys for Serenity Roundup has been held annually in Key West, Florida.. Plan to join us in the sunshine for 3 days of amazing fellowship. 3pm - 4pm Workshop 12 Concepts - with Juha and Jimmy S. 7pm - 8pm 7pm - 8pm Lyle P. from Atlanta. 10:30am - 12pm Speaker Meeting Rick J. from Ontario. For reservations, contact the hotel directly at (800)524-4557. Excitement filled the air. PLEASE CONTACT INDIVIDUAL EVENT TO MAKE SURE IT IS STILL HAPPENING. It was great to be in person again! This years Convention Theme is "Happy, Joyous & Free in 2023" I want to remind you that registration for the convention will be On-Line or On-Site only. Vancouver will welcome A.A. members from around the world for the 2025 International Convention. SEPIA's 56th Annual Round-Up "Serenity by the Sea" April 21, 2023 "Serenity by the Sea" View the Flyer . They are open and are held every hour. on substance abuse issues to the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and allied communities. 10am Entertainment Golf Tournament. Las Vegas RoundUp. Need some help registering? Submit new events to the Webmaster. One of the most powerful tools for recovery is attending regular AA events. The rate is dependent on room availability and only available if you reserve before 1/14/22. Our heartfelt thoughts and prayers are with everyone impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and we send our deepest condolences to everyone who has lost a loved one to this virus. LOCATION. Please see the flyer or visit the website for more information. 2:15PM Talking Circle. Some of our residents favorite AA events include community dodgeball, community hockey, softball games, and more. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING TUESDAY MARCH 14, 2022 MEETING BEGINS AT 6:00 PM ONLINE ONLY, ZOOM MEETING MEETING ID: 924 5843 5425 PASSCODE: 791746 Click to Join with Zoom [] Fri 17 March 17 @ 11:30 am - 1:00 pm Parking Lot Meeting Anniversary Potluck Tahoe Park 3501 59th St., Sacramento, CA Sunday 09/03/2023. A.A. and Al-Anon friends that the Round-Up is the place to be whether you are new to A.A., been around for a while, or visiting our great state. As soon as I walked into the registration hall, I knew this weekend would be like no other in A.A. The entire weekend is designed to appeal to broad spectrum of attendees. Someone from the committee will reach out to you soon. Taking place once every five years, the A.A. International Convention marks the anniversary of Bill W.s first meeting with Dr. Bob and the birth of Alcoholics Anonymous in 1935. Want to sit with your friends at the Banquet? Find out more by VOLUNTEERING. Check out our list of legendary speakers we have lined up for you at the 2021 Las Vegas Round Up. This mind and body practice combines physical postures and breathing. That's why it's called a conference. Please see footer below Calendar for posting Guidelines A.A. Schedule of Events during our 2-day Roundup. Wed 8. The Southern California Convention that was started in 1952. //